terms & Conditions
The following Terms & Conditions apply to all children attending swimming lessons organised by Delfina’s Swim School.
Please read these carefully and ensure you have understood the following and please keep a copy for your records.
Acceptance of Terms & Conditions
By booking or by your child attending a swimming lesson with us, you accept these Terms & Conditions which will form a binding contract between you and us.
We reserve the right to vary these Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice. We will advise you of any changes.
What we do
We provide swimming lessons to children from age 3 upwards of all abilities.
We operate from venues that we hire from third parties.
All of our teachers are qualified to nationally recognised standards to teach our customers to swim and, where appropriate, to provide lifesaver and first aid cover for the environment in which we teach.
Bookings and Payments
Delfina’s Swim School run swimming lessons over the course of the three terms; autumn, spring and summer and tend to run for a duration of 12 weeks.
A crash course tends to run for a duration of 5 days at a specified time as advised.
All bookings are made on a first come first serve basis. We are able to take bookings at any time and request that customers complete the Booking Form and pay in full for a term to secure the booking.
All fees must be paid in advance of the lessons taking place and swimmers will not be allowed to participate in any swimming lessons until the fees are paid in full.
If full payment for the term or crash course is not made within 2 working days (48 hours) of the booking being made, then we are unable to guarantee your child’s place and it will be offered elsewhere.
We offer a sibling discount of 5% per term for an additional sibling.
Discounts are not valid for a crash course or private lesson.
If a swimmer joins lessons part way through the term, a pro rata payment, relative to the remaining lessons, will be due.
Payments can be made by BACS (bank payment) or a debit or credit card.
All lessons will start promptly at the agreed start time. If you arrive late to the pool, the lesson will not be extended, and the lesson will still end at the agreed end time.
If you wish to take a holiday while the lessons are running, you must still pay for the entire term and will not receive a refund for the lesson/s missed. You will retain your place on the lessons for the duration of the term.
No refunds will be given once a booking has been accepted and confirmed.
Once the term has started, we are unable to refund payments for missed lessons including for any illness, injury or holidays as we have a commitment, in advance, to the swimming teacher. However, if a swimmer suffers a serious illness or injury which affects their participation for more than 4 weeks (such as a broken bone or prolonged hospitalisation) we may offer a refund for lessons missed provided you notify us at least 48 hours before the first lesson missed, provide us with a medical note detailing the illness or medical condition and you accept that we may offer the space to another swimmer; we will endeavour to offer you another suitable slot when your swimmer is ready to return.
Refunds will not be given for lessons missed due to adverse weather conditions in your locality if the venue and environment are accessible and the swimming pool is open with swimming lessons going ahead.
Cancellation by us
Classes may be cancelled at short notice if the pool is not fit for teaching purposes or requires urgent maintenance.
In the unfortunate event we have to cancel a lesson, we will notify you as soon as possible via the method that we believe is most appropriate to ensure you have received the message in a timely manner. We will endeavour to add an alternative date, offer to make up the lesson or provide a credit. No refunds will be offered.
If we determine that there is insufficient support for a lesson, we have the right to cancel, suspend or postpone before the date of the first lesson. We shall give you as much notice as possible of any such cancellation and we will provide you with a full refund of your lessons if no suitable alternative lessons is available. Our liability for any such cancellation shall be limited to this refund and we shall not be liable for any losses of any kind incurred by you because of such cancellation.
If you notify us that you are unable to attend the substitute lesson in advance of the date scheduled for the substitute lesson, then you will receive a credit for the cancelled lesson. This credit may be offset against a subsequent lesson. If you do not accept the substitute lesson or do not wish to re-enrol for a subsequent term, we are not obliged to provide a refund but may do this at our absolute discretion
Priority Re-enrolment – next term
Prior to the end of the term, we will email you a Booking Form to the email address on our system offering you the chance to re-enrol for the next term within a specified time. Payment in full should be made at the time of booking to secure your child’s place.
After the priority re-enrolment (existing customers), we will fill the lessons with other swimmers. If you fail to pay on time and your space has gone, and you wish to continue, we will try to find you a suitable alternative. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to find you a suitable class, so please make sure you pay on time.
General Responsibilities
Parents and carers are responsible for children that they bring to lessons from arrival on site, supervision in the changing rooms and in any part of the facility.
Children must all shower and go to the toilet before their lesson.
You are responsible for your child until the teacher collects them at the start of the lesson and you are expected to collect your child promptly at the end of the lesson .
We would recommend that your child is not fed 1 hour before their lesson – 45 minutes for milk/fluids
Please refrain from communicating or distracting the swimming teacher or lifeguard once the lesson has started.
Delfina’s Swim School will not accept liability for loss or damage to any personal belongings brought by a swimmer to any session. Please ensure that no valuable items are brought to the swimming lessons and any swimming belongings are labelled.
Whilst you are at the venue, we ask you to respect all property and rules. Access to areas or surroundings other than the common areas available will be at your own risk.
Children who are not participating, must be supervised at all times.
Parents & carers must also ensure that siblings and/or their friends refrain from playing on any school equipment and/or playing/entering any other parts of the school grounds and buildings.
Parents & carers should not smoke or consume alcohol at the venue i.e. outside in the playground or car park
Pool Rules
All parties are expected to follow the swimming pool safety rules as detailed in the venue’s NOP/EAP at all times. We would like to draw your attention to the following pool safety rules:-
Swimmers must not enter the swimming pool until instructed to do so by the swimming teacher
No diving
No running
No food on poolside
Shoes must be removed before entering poolside
No breakable items should be brought poolside such as glass bottles, coffee cups etc.
Swimmers should leave poolside safely and calmly as soon as their class has finished
Watching the lessons
We feel that children progress better when their parents are not poolside. We realise and appreciate that this is not ideal for parents, however, it is important for parents to be able to see progression as well as swim awards. We would like to invite parents poolside on the first and final lesson of the term.
Changing Rooms
All swimmers should arrive ‘beach ready’ for their swimming lessons or crash course.
You must ensure that your child changes in the correct changing room. This also applies to parents accompanying their child and must only enter a changing room of the same gender as themselves.
If your child is above the age of 8 they must go into their gender changing room.
Swimming Teachers
We pride ourselves in providing excellent swimming teachers who are suitably qualified and possess an enhanced DBS certification. We also ensure our swimming teachers are recruited in accordance with the Swim England Safe Recruitment programme.
All swimming teachers will have access to the progress of each swimmer and their medical needs in their allocated class.
When teaching swimming lessons, swimming teachers do get in the water to advise and ‘handle’ the swimmer for the purposes of supporting them in the water for safety or to assist in their body position. By agreeing to these Terms & Conditions, your permission is assumed for this to take place. If you have any worries or concerns in this respect, please let us know immediately.
We are not able to guarantee a particular swimming teacher for a swimming lesson or crash course and teachers may be changed on a temporary or permanent basis due to illness once a course has started.
Medical Conditions & Illness
When registering, you will be asked to declare any existing medical conditions your child may have by completing the Booking Form. Please inform us of any changes to medical conditions.
If your child has a contagious illness such as an ear infection, flu, diarrhoea, vomiting, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis or a bad cold, please wait until your doctor has given the all clear for your child to swim. In instances of vomiting or diarrhoea, your child must have been clear of the symptoms for 48 hours before attending a swimming lesson or crash course.
Symptoms of COVID 19
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:
new continuous cough and/or
high temperature and/or
a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
uncharacteristic lethargy/tiredness/sleepiness
upset stomach
For most, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
If you or your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/check-if-you-have-coronavirus-symptoms/ or by phoning 119.
If your child has athlete’s foot or verrucae’s, please ensure their feet are suitably covering or a Verrucae sock is worn.
If your child is ill, please inform us at the earliest opportunity so that we can notify the swimming teacher.
We aim to make all our swimming lessons a fun environment where swimmers are encouraged to learn new skills to develop them to their maximum potential. In this respect, Delfina’s Swim School swimming teachers expect a high standard of listening and behaviour skills.
Disruptive and/or dangerous behaviour will not be tolerated as this affects the learning/safety of the swimmer as well as affecting other swimmers’ safety in the swimming lesson. If for any reason a swimmer is acting in a dangerous/disruptive manner or persistently ignores instructions, then a warning will be given to the swimmer. Once three warnings have been issued, the swimmer will be asked to sit on the side of the pool for a short ‘cooling off period’.
Please do notify Delfina’s Swim School in writing of any learning or physical difficulties that may affect each swimmer’s ability to learn, understand instruction or behave in an appropriate manner once they join the swimming programme as it may be necessary to adapt teaching or put supportive strategies in place.
Dress Code
All swimmers should wear close-fitting costumes or trunks (jammers). The wearing of baggy shorts is inappropriate and is not permitted as this causes unnecessary resistance in the water inhibiting the acquisition of the correct skills.
We encourage your child to wear swimming googles but we reserve the right to remove them if they are hindering the swimmer or class. Unfortunately, we cannot allow snorkel mask goggles.
Long hair must be tied back or a swimming hat worn
If your child is not toilet trained, please ensure that they wear a suitable nappy under their swimming costume. Please take all used nappies away with you. Please do not dispose of them on the premises, thank you.
Free parking is available at our venue, St John’s Special School. Parents/carers must observe any parking regulations that are in force at the school and asked to park in a courteous manner and show respect for other users of the school facilities
Photography & Recording
You may not take photographs or video recordings during swimming lessons or crash course unless this has been pre-agreed with Delfina’s Swim School. In addition, consent from everyone who is in the photo or video will be required. We reserve the right to ask for any photos and videos taken to be deleted.
Under no circumstances will photography be permitted in the changing facilities or toilet areas of the swimming pool.
The use of mobile phones on the poolside is strictly prohibited
If you wish to take a photo of your child, please inform a staff member of Delfina’s Swim School or the swimming teacher and they will arrange an appropriate time for the photo to be taken.
At times we may wish to take photographs at our venues, which may be used for teaching, marketing and promotional purposes. We will inform parents prior to this and issue parents with a form to be completed and signed giving their consent for the photography to take place.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
By providing your information to us, you:-
Give permission for the personal and contact information to be held by Delfina’s Swim School for use where necessary to contact.
Give permission for your contact email address and mobile phone number to be used to provide all necessary information for future events, promotions and advertisement purposes relating to Delfina’s Swim School.
Agree to update Delfina’s Swim School should any of the contact or medical information you have provided change and require updating.
Please let us know if you would like your data permanently deleted from WSS records at any time.
All participants are covered by our Public Liability Insurance.
Contacting you
We may contact you from time to time about the services and products that we provide. If we contact you, we will do so by phone or by writing to you via the email or postal address that you have provided us with when you booked.
Delfina’s Swim School is fully committed to delivering the highest standards of swimming teaching and coaching. If you have any concerns about a class or teacher, please let us know immediately or alternatively email us at delfinasswimschool@gmail.com at the earliest opportunity so that we can resolve your concerns.
Please be assured that any complaint will be taken very seriously and should be addressed to Emma Howitt who owns and manages Delfina’s Swim School.